Day 58 – gnoll shaman

After the magic trap had knocked us out, we were captured by a gnoll shaman – I can only describe him as monstrous. His clothes were decorated with bones and animal skins, his teeth were as sharp as knives. But the worst were the tools he prepared – thin, razor-sharp blades that made your blood … Weiterlesen

Day 54 – Gnoll shrine

As we ascend higher into the mountains, the vegetation becomes increasingly sparse. We must be mindful of our food and water supplies, lest we turn back before discovering the entrance we seek. In addition, we have come across some sort of shrine. Three withered gnoll skulls were placed upon it, with three offering bowls filled … Weiterlesen

Chaos Common RPG – Structure and Roadmap – Prototype Development

This blogpost was first published in German on January 26th, one day before the 5e SRD was put into creative commons. It took me longer to translate this one. I’m still working on the CCRPG, but now with a 5e CC-System, the roadmap could change a little. In this blog post, you will learn everything … Weiterlesen

A.B. Funings Blog