Day 59 – the entrance to the lost City

We managed to take down the Gnoll shaman, though it was touch and go for a moment there. I don’t think I ever want to be at the mercy of those wretched creatures again.

But all the trials and tribulations were worth it. I do believe we’ve stumbled upon the lost city. The old mine shafts here come to an abrupt end in flat, uniform walls. Abandoned pickaxes and other mining tools litter the ground, as if whoever was here couldn’t breach these walls.

The stone in this chilly cavern feels strangely warm under my fingertips. And then I see it – the key we retrieved from the tomb, the key to Kyrthar Tahlketh, starts to glow. This is the entrance. We’ve done it. We’ve found the way into the lost city.

As we step forward, a faint hum starts to emanate from the walls, growing louder and more insistent with every passing moment. It’s as if the very stones are trying to speak to us, to warn us of the perils that lie ahead.

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