Day 151 – Sternenschweif- Spelljammer-Helm

Deep within the shipwreck, a cabin unfolds, a small sanctuary of wonder and mysteries. Surprisingly, this space remains untouched by the waters that should have flooded its surroundings. An impenetrable barrier seems to repel the intrusion of the river, preserving a mysterious atmosphere of magic. At the center of this pristine cabin rises a golden … Weiterlesen

Day 150 – Underground river – Wreck of the Sternenschweif

In the deep vaults of a cave, where the echo of flowing water swallows the sound of silence, a fascinating spectacle unfolds. A subterranean river, its dark waters gliding gently through dark passages, reveals a hidden world of mystery. Here, in the middle of this mysterious labyrinth, lies a forgotten shipwreck, held in the iron … Weiterlesen

A.B. Funings Blog