Day 76 – Cellar Entrance in the Warden’s House (Crystal Mine)
The secret meeting place with the butler is in the basement of the mansion. Couldn’t there have been another place?
The secret meeting place with the butler is in the basement of the mansion. Couldn’t there have been another place?
The mine overseer has greeted us kindly, but it is obvious that his servants and the mine workers don’t really like him. They seem like slaves and he like the slave overseer. He has offered us his hospitality and we have to accept it willy-nilly, because so far we only know the exit through the … Weiterlesen
I have just finished Druid’s Call. I enjoyed it, but compared to Road to Neverwinter it is a bit lacking. If Road to Neverwinter does a good job of conveying what a D&D campaign feels like, the Druid’s Call is more of the backstory a player comes up with for their character before the campaign … Weiterlesen